I've been tagged several days ago, by Misty J., some crazy birdlady. As by now most of you already know (which certainly does not include TONI JOHNSON from Essex Great Britain), is that I do not get the whole concept behind this TAG-thing... (Is it a recurring thing? every once in a few month people wanna know stuff 'bout me???) I am a comicbook freak, I know the Tick, but tags...
It took me some time to post as I am currently taking a course (Sharepoint 2007) somewhere I do not have the oppurtunity to blog... So this one is a quickie...
From what I read, these are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird ( As I am weird, I guess it will be weird)
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (I WILL NOT BOTHER OTHERS; you actually think I got that much friends??)
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs (The friends I have do not blog-hence there will be no tagging!!!)
OK: 7 things at random 'bout me!
1. I ride my bike to work (you gotta read this one!!!)
2. I take care of our kids on 1 day during the week (besides the weekends - Wednesday is my day off)
3. I Like Spiderman better than Superman (although I like Lois Lane better than Mary Jane)
4. I Coach the peanuts of the Hoofddorp Pioniers Baseball team
5. I'm doin' some sport just for me (running/gym)
6. My favorite artists are: Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Miles Davis & The Blues Brothers (or Blues in general)
7. I used to work at a hospital, hence I love hospital (reality) shows!!! The more blood, the better. Brain chirurgy... Even better!!! I even went to view the chirurgy classes and still enjoyed my lunch!!!
Gotta go!!! Have fun Reading!