Monday, October 1, 2007

Scrappers with Crocs...

My wife has this list she calls "Scrappers with clogs on" which is a summary of scrappers who either live in the Netherlands or have the Dutch nationality.

There is also this mania going on with Crocs... THE SHOES!!! not the reptiles!!!

Everwhere you look, you see kids and women (even a very few men in public) walking around wearing these monstrous, deformed, repulsive, hideous, ghastly, repelling, ugly, obnoxious, revolting, people-call-these-shoes...

So I was thinking to combine the two and guess what... THERE ARE LIKE A MILLION SCRAPPERS WITH CROCS!

I was so overwhelmed about the amount of people that embarras themselves in public, that I decided to gather them and collect them on my new Blog: Scrappers With Crocs!!!

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