Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New blog

I recently started a new blog to vent my random thoughts, not just my frustration about my wife's scrapbooking, or the side effects of being a coaching father... No, all those other thoughts!

Wanna keep up with that blog?

I have my own domain: EDSLINGERLAND

Older stuff:"A lillte Med"... Come check it out!!!

Wanna keep up with the Baseball related stuff?

Check out "Planet-Baseball" !!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Saying goodbye

Does not mean farewell...

You can follow me on my new blog:


Thursday, August 7, 2008

45 seconds of Ecstacy

She got me to go to a concert of Meat Loaf... You know the one... Big, Sweaty, Loud... As he is almost 61 already, I wanted to see one of his shows before he quits, so I agreed to tag along. BAD MOVE!

I should have just kept to my cd's... Maybe watch a videoclip of "Paradise"... But noooooH, I had to go out and see him!!!!

He stood there on stage like he was autistic, drunk or high, never once sang on cue, made words without using any vowels, which he made up entire songs with... And then the sounds that came out of his throat... I GOT PROOF!!! HERE!!!

The band was good... Not great, but good. You cannot play all songs like extended (12") versions on a slow beat so the singer can keep up. They should however be rewarded a medal for being on the same stage, while trying to put up a show... The same goes for the singers: at least they did what they were paid to do...

I made some new lyrics to "45 seconds of Ecstacy":

45 seconds of ecstasy
How do you dare to stand in front of me
Drunk or high or def on three
45 seconds of ecstasy
45 seconds of ecstasy
Cuts right through the believability
This is were the show ends for me
After 45 seconds of AGONY

So to end this rave, like Meat Loaf said:


(I guess she can make a nice scrap-project out of this one)
Gotta mail today from MOJO concerning my complaint:
"Dear visitor,

We read the complaints about the performance of Meat Loaf last monday in Heineken Music Hall. We found the perfomance below standard ourself, we did not talk to Meat Loaf but we know that upfront he was full of confidence to put up a good show. He said to be in topshape. He did not however perform to his full potential. Which shows that artists are human too. He did play his full set, did not gave a sloppy performance and tried his best. Meat Loaf and his management do not give back money to the visitors. Our task, being the productional organisation of the concert, is performed good, so we do not compensate aswell. We are devoted to organise good concerts and events, but the part ON stage is a commitment of the artist. We are sorry that you have a negative feeling about the concert.

Mojo Concerts"

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Looking at the wheater reports for the last couple o' days, gets me thinkin' bout BBQ... But there's always this hustle and all that makes the BBQ a lot of work...

  1. MAN gets BBQ & coals from the shed
  2. WOMAN cleans grill of BBQ
  3. WOMAN goes to the greengrocer
  4. WOMAN goes to the butcher.
  5. WOMAN goes to the bakery.
  6. WOMAN prepares salads and vegetables.
  7. WOMAN prepares the different meats.
  8. WOMAN puts all meat on a diss together with all other BBQ necessities, such as herbs etc.
  9. WOMAN brings cleaned grill and dish to MAN, who stands there waiting while holding a beer.
  10. MAN puts meat on the BBQ 1 by 1.
  11. WOMAN sets table.
  12. WOMAN checks vegetables she is cooking.
  13. WOMAN prepares dessert.
  14. WOMAN comes outside to tell MAN the meat on the BBQ is burning.
  15. MAN takes burned meat off the BBQ and gives it (on a dish) to the WOMAN.
  16. WOMAN takes plates and brings out the tableware.
  17. MAN pours drinks.
  18. WOMAN cleans table and makes coffee.
  19. WOMAN serves coffee and dessert.
  20. WOMAN cleans table again.
  21. WOMAN does dishes and cleans kitchen.
  22. MAN leaves BBQ be, there are still some coals burning.
  23. MAN asks WOMAN wheter she is happy she did not have to cook today.
  24. MAN sees WOMAN looking flabbergasted and concludes:



Wednesday, July 2, 2008


As this is the summer holiday season, loads of pictures will be taken, some good some bad...

And for those that ain't exactly perfect, you need tools... For any hobby, as we men know!

But what happens when you let housewifes get busy with photographs that need (minor) corrections? Like the eyes.. They immediate grab a red-eye pen and...


Monday, June 30, 2008


We are OFF! We will be in EuroDisney for 5 (yes you read it fine - FIVE) days... But neither she nor me have a problem with that except for the prices of food and drinks in the park...

But it's a holiday so we will not loose our good spirit over an OVERPRICED bottle of water!

So everyone have a good one! We'll be back before you know it...


Ps. I brought my bathingsuit just in case...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's SADD...

For all those women that scrap...

Do you also suffer from temporary loss of memory or gaps in your timelines?

Finally a diagnosis was made for your problems

It is called S.A.D.D. or:

Scrapbook Attention Deficit Disorder


  • You get to the car to go to the scrapbook store, but you look at the car and decide that the car needs to be washed, so you go back to the house to get a bucket of water and soap
  • Upon entering the house you see the mail on the floor
  • Ok, you will get the water, but first lets sort out the post
  • You put the carkeys on your desk, sort the leaflets from the post and see that the wastebasket is full
  • So you put the remainders of the post (including some bills) on your desk and take out the trash
  • Oh No ! first let's pay those bills...
  • Where are those tranfer-forms?
  • O....K.... Only 1 left....
  • AH! The spare forms are in the top draw upstairs!
  • He, your Coke is still standing there on the desk...
  • First get those spare forms.
  • Just to be on the save side lets put that glass away from the computer before knocking it over the keyboard...
  • You know, let's put the glass in the fridge to keep it fresh
  • You walk into the kitchen and notice the plants are rather dry, they need water desperately
  • You place your glass of Coke on the sink, and guess what... there are you sunglasses!!!
  • You have been searching for them all morning!
  • Let's put them away before you forget
  • Fill up the watering can and head for the flower pots
  • Aaaargh!Someone left the TV-remote in the kitchen.When you will be watching TV tonight, no one will be checking the kitchen, so you will bring it to the living room at once!
  • You pour some water on the plants, spill on the floor, drop the remote on a pillow of the chair and head back to the hallway.

What where you doing???

At the end of the day:

The car is not washed, the bills have not been paid, the glass of Coke is still out on the sink, the flower never got enough water, you still have only 1 tranfer form and you cannot find your carkeys....

You are trying to figure out why nothing happened today.

You have no clue, you were busy all day!

You are aware that you have a serious problem and need professional help soon, but first you come and check my blog...
And here you read this message, and you sigh in recognition...


Scrapbook Attention Deficit Disorder

B.U.B.B.A.H. (Before Unpacking Best Be At Home)